Now Accepting Reservations

Inspiring Hope through Life Changing Adventures

Now Accepting Reservations

Open Groups are for Everyone!

Open Groups allow anyone to experience an adventure at High Point Urban Adventures regardless of party size! Invite a friend and come enjoy a time of challenge and adventure! Below is important information about what to expect, what to do in advance, and what to bring!

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What to Expect

Once you arrive, you will check in at the front desk and the receptionist will confirm your registration. You will then move to the gym where the group will take a brief survey and get introduced to their adventure! The day will consist of ice breaker games, group development activities, low ropes, and high ropes challenges. The entire experience will be wrapped in a storyline that will create a fun & exciting environment where the participants will learn and make application through debriefing sessions at the conclusion of each activity.

The day will wrap up with a celebration of successes, final debriefing, and a post-event survey. The pre- & post-survey are for the purpose of measuring the participant’s hope score!

What to Do In Advance

What to Bring

  • Closed-toe shoes, preferably athletic shoes

  • Appropriate clothes for the adventure

  • Water bottle & lunch/snacks for refueling